Animation at Blue Mountains TAFE

Looking at ideas of sequential art and some of the techniques, terminology, tools and software used to create animations.

Monday, September 05, 2005

Ready, set, start learning

Ted has brought it to my attention that we're near the end! So I think we'd better spend some time looking at ways to continue learning about animation beyond the timeline of this intro course.

You have your blogs to go back over and look for key words for help searches...

But what we haven't done much of yet is look at examples of animation. Together we could find some great examples I'm sure, so I'd like us to open a web bookmarks account with Using we can collectively save good animations and sites about animation on a single page, so long as we use the tag word "bmanimation".

Tonight we'll spend some time looking for some good sites, and start building a resource for future learners.


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