Rollovers in flash
Tonight we explore the world of button in flash. We will be creating "buttons" and givng them rollover effects.
To do this open flash:
- Set the document size to 250 by 250 so it will fit on the blog
- Create and object, say a red circle with the oval tool
- Double click with the move tool to select your object
- Press F8 to convert to a symbol
- Choose the button option and name it appropriately
- Double click your new symbol
This takes you inside the symbol. - Right click into the hit frame to define your hot spot and add a keyframe
- Add another keyframe into the over frame.
- Add text or objects you want to appear when the mouse moves over the hotspot.
- To display more when the mouse button is held down, right click into the Down frame, add a keyframe and make the desired changes
- Your button is complete, click back to Scene 1 and test your movie.
Placing an animation with rollover effects into your blog. - Save the file and go to File and Publish setting to explore choices
- To blog it got choose the html and swf options and Publish.
- This places the files in your folder where the files was last saved.
- We are using bmphotoshop with the usual password to store the swf file
- Login into openomy and upload your swf file, as you would attach an email
- Tag it ani so it stays with the animation files
- When it is uploaded make sure you make it public or it will not appear without a password
- Copy the address/path to put into the code so your blog can call it
- Exit openomy and go to your folder and open the html file, got to View Source to see the html.
- You need the bit between object and object
- You will see the file name appear twice in the code, once at value="" and then at src="" - this is where you will paste the address/path from openomy.
- Next copy the object to object, log into your blog and start a new posting.
- Paste the code into your new post in Edit html mode
- Congratulations, Publish post and your done!!!
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