Animation at Blue Mountains TAFE

Looking at ideas of sequential art and some of the techniques, terminology, tools and software used to create animations.

Monday, July 24, 2006

Cartoon Animation

How to create a moving man....
But one of the most common things people want to be able to do with it is make cartoons and animations. There's a lot of ways to do this, but I'm going to show you a very simple, scripting free way of bringing some characters to life.

Monday, July 17, 2006

Creating a Basic Flash Animation

This is a great site for tutorials. We are going to do this animation in flash to get started.
This tutorial will help you to learn the very basics of Flash MX - basics such as layers, tweens, colors, text, lines, shapes, and more. By the end of this tutorial, you will have created the following animation:

Principles of Animation

Having created an animation in DFILM let examine the principles of animation to see how it fits together.
Back in the Halcyon days of Disney, the animators there began trying to dissect really great character animation to figure out what made it great. After years of study they made a list of 12 principles that all great animation utilizes.