Animation at Blue Mountains TAFE

Looking at ideas of sequential art and some of the techniques, terminology, tools and software used to create animations.

Monday, March 27, 2006

Motion Path tween

We know how to make an object move form point a to point b in Flash. The Motion tween guide allows us to create a movement that will follow a line drawn with the penicl, a paint brush or a shape usch as a circle/oval. how you ask? Using a motion guide layer. Basically it works like this:
  • Open a new flash document
  • Create a symbol (we used a fly) - call the layer object
  • Close to the new layer option you will find an option for new motion guide layer
  • Create this motion guide layer
  • Right click into say frame 30 on the object layer
  • Choose - Insert frame
  • Right click again, choose create motion tween
  • Third right click into the same spot and insert a keyframe
  • Click into frame 1 of the Motion guide layer
  • Using the paint brush to draw a squiggly line from the object along the path you would like to move
  • Change the tool to the move tool
  • Make sure it is on the Snap to option
  • Click into the keyframe at the end of the Object layer
  • Drag the object to the end of your line, note the black circle in the the centre as it goes over the need of the line, it should snap on
  • Press enter - does it work - congratulations BB!!!


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