Animation at Blue Mountains TAFE

Looking at ideas of sequential art and some of the techniques, terminology, tools and software used to create animations.

Tuesday, November 29, 2005

New Animations - John and Beryl

John and Beryl finished their animations last night. John and Beryl first prepare their animation, then used audacity to edit up a sound rack. Then they imported the sound track to Flash and adjusted the animation to fall in synch with the audio.

Beryl's seal meets whale.
John's My Vietnam part 1.
(no preloaders on these animations, so let them load first - they will play properly when fully loaded).

Beryl's work was recorded in her blog, were you can see more animations and general preparation, as was John's in his blog.

Good work John and Beryl.

Now, even though the course is officially over, I'll keep this blog and eGroup going for the benefit of any new students, and so you can continue to have access to a local group who are interested in learning animation.


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